My unique training system walks you through 9 paradigm shifts that enable you to Think Like a Translator, so you can produce high-quality translations.

You will learn 3 important Quality Aspects of a translation, and 9 Best Practices to help you succeed as a written translator.

Each of the 9 modules includes:

  • Videos and downloadable slides
  • Practical exercises and quizzes

Instructor: Liane R. Grant, PhD

Translation Strategist

Author of The Bilingual Side Hustle and

The 3-Hour Translation Team

Liane R. Grant founded The King’s Translators, a nonprofit translation team that has translated over 5 million words and published 100 books. Liane is a certified translator (French/English) with a Ph.D. in Translation Studies from Université de Montréal. Her innovative training method has impacted hundreds of budding translators worldwide. Liane lives in beautiful, historic Quebec City.

You Can Start Today! Be sure to check out our course bundles below; you may pay the same or less, but receive bonus content.

Zoraida Warren

(Indiana, USA)

“Liane R. Grant’s training has helped me view translation as an art that takes time to develop and there is always room for improvement. One of the strategies I found very helpful was putting myself in the reader’s place. Is the translation easy to read and understand by a native Spanish-speaking person? Am I communicating what the original document is saying? It has helped me to pay more attention to verb tenses, idioms and punctuation to make sure the translation has a nice and easy flow. I think Liane’s training would be of great benefit to anybody interested in translating or who is already translating.”

Georges L. Bastin, Director of META Translator's Journal

Professor and PhD Supervisor at Université de Montréal

“Liane R. Grant’s insightful doctoral research, born out of the unique experience of The King’s Translators, presents a translation quality assurance system that … focuses on developing skills and ensuring a level of quality appropriate to each type of document. Her cutting-edge research is destined to improve multilingual communication in our societies.”

Steven Schobert, Director of Global Operations for Purpose Institute

“There has been an explosion of top-quality translated materials produced and distributed as a result of Liane R. Grant’s efforts… The success of this endeavor is due largely to her creative vision for engaging and equipping… Under Liane’s direction, Purpose Institute’s curriculum has been translated into ten languages. This success can certainly be replicated for other language groups."